Technology Z-Wave

About Z-WAVE Technology
The customers more and more often expects their devices to work together, according to their own preferences. It is also required to standarise a solution in the field of home automatcs managment in the newly rised construction projects. This leads to our technology. Technology which some time ago could be perceived as a science-fiction is in fact happening today. mobiq devices follow this trend.
Z-Wave is a technology of international standard of wireless communication. It let’s you integrate all your everyday devices. It uses simple, reliable low-power transmitters, the signal easily transfers to other devices through walls and floors. Z-Wave controllers give you an opportunity to connect all your electronic devices not being cosidered as “smart” until now. Shutters, thermostats and lighting have become sensible allies in your home. devices allow your home to adjust to the life cycle of its users, providing a complete integration, comfort and measurable savings. An easy set-up does not require to put any wires in your home. You can simpy put the devices into a flush. These are only few of our devices advantages. The completely new line of home automatics management is just in your range.
Freedom of choice
Making up your mind about equipping your home with mobiq devices, you achieve access to a still growing Z-Wave environment. For the time being, there are over 1000 devices which work together using this technology. Consequently, you are able to build and develop your home security and automatic systems not being limited just to one supplier.
List of more than 300 members Z-Wave Alliance on :