SENSO 4.0 technology

SENSO 4.0 tubular motors family (MOBILUS ERS) is directed to the most demanding specialists and users of shading systems. Everywhere where roller blind management safety using time automatics (e.g. COSMO HCT) is important, SENSO 4.0 motors (MOBILUS ERS) are the best choice!
Advantages of using SENSO 4.0 technology
Significant qualities for specialists:
- programming limit positons using a remote control or in an automated mode
- operating independent of the kind of the springs used (security or standard)
- two-directional obstacles detection.
Significant qualities for customers:
- two-directional obstacles detection eliminating failures caused by obstacles or freezing of roller blinds
- completely safe time automatics, lack of supervision over roller blinds operations does not cause any failures thanks to the obstacles detection system, insensitive to minor shutter curtain distortions.